Butters was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he was 3.5 then hydrocephalus at 5. Here I talk about the high's, low's, challenges and and all the fun things that happen in between.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Inspired by the word if (and a fellow ASD blogger)
Today a blog post came across my feed reader that stopped me in my tracks. The post is called "If" by Autism is a trip. While reading it I just had to take a step back. How many times had I thought the same thing.
So inspired by her post here is one of my own.
If Alvin didn't have Asperger's our life would be different.
Potty training at night wouldn't be such a nightmare.
We could all walk in public without worrying if someone was going to bolt due to anything spooking him.
We could have a normal bedtime process full of stories and cuddles rather than screaming matched and obsessive behavior.
I could play cars with him without his OCD getting the best of him.
Elliot could have more interactive play with her big brother using the kitchen set and stuffed animals.
My husband and I could go to a movie without who that Alvin knows well can come watch he and Elliot and can they come during naptime so there are less meltdowns.
I wouldn't dread going to grocery stores, malls or other public places out of fear of meltdown.
I wouldn't feel like I had to fight so hard for teachers, coaches and others to understand what is going on with him and why.
If Alvin didn't have Asperger's.
We wouldn't have moved across the country. Yes we moved for my job but the resources in the PNW are far better than down south. I also would have never met in person some amazing people that my husband is great friends with up here.
I wouldn't laugh nearly as much. Not a day goes by where he isn't dancing, singing or saying inappropriate things that make us all laugh.
Elliot would not have such great exposure to others with disabilities. Since we stay involved with the community she always sees kids better and worse than her big brother and we feel like she is better for the exposure having not even turned 2.
I probably wouldn't have him in gymnastics. He would be playing ice hockey or soccer.
I would have never known it wasn't normal for a 2 year told to be able to count to 100!
I simply wouldn't have met some amazing teachers at The Little Gym. While they teach him gymnastics I think he teaches them the joy of watching a kid like him finally get it!
I would have never gained more compassion for him and kids like him. I have seen so many on the spectrum and I seriously am amazed by each child and each parent.
I would have never started this blog. Its given me an outlet to talk about what goes on, what we succeed at and the times that we struggle. While I do have a personal blog this one has so much more meaning.
So inspired by her post here is one of my own.
If Alvin didn't have Asperger's our life would be different.
Potty training at night wouldn't be such a nightmare.
We could all walk in public without worrying if someone was going to bolt due to anything spooking him.
We could have a normal bedtime process full of stories and cuddles rather than screaming matched and obsessive behavior.
I could play cars with him without his OCD getting the best of him.
Elliot could have more interactive play with her big brother using the kitchen set and stuffed animals.
My husband and I could go to a movie without who that Alvin knows well can come watch he and Elliot and can they come during naptime so there are less meltdowns.
I wouldn't dread going to grocery stores, malls or other public places out of fear of meltdown.
I wouldn't feel like I had to fight so hard for teachers, coaches and others to understand what is going on with him and why.
If Alvin didn't have Asperger's.
We wouldn't have moved across the country. Yes we moved for my job but the resources in the PNW are far better than down south. I also would have never met in person some amazing people that my husband is great friends with up here.
I wouldn't laugh nearly as much. Not a day goes by where he isn't dancing, singing or saying inappropriate things that make us all laugh.
Elliot would not have such great exposure to others with disabilities. Since we stay involved with the community she always sees kids better and worse than her big brother and we feel like she is better for the exposure having not even turned 2.
I probably wouldn't have him in gymnastics. He would be playing ice hockey or soccer.
I would have never known it wasn't normal for a 2 year told to be able to count to 100!
I simply wouldn't have met some amazing teachers at The Little Gym. While they teach him gymnastics I think he teaches them the joy of watching a kid like him finally get it!
I would have never gained more compassion for him and kids like him. I have seen so many on the spectrum and I seriously am amazed by each child and each parent.
I would have never started this blog. Its given me an outlet to talk about what goes on, what we succeed at and the times that we struggle. While I do have a personal blog this one has so much more meaning.
The Little Gym
Monday, August 22, 2011
What's wrong with him?
This evening before gymnastics Alvin was having one of his moments. He couldn't transition to gym from dinner and was mad at me for not letting him take his lemonade inside. After a few moments of meltdown he was able to calm down (with the lemonade I grabbed from the car). After Alvin was back to being his happy self bouncing off the walls and saying hi to his teacher one of the little girls from his class came right up to me and asked "what's wrong with him?"
The little girl was around 5 years old and the question was innocent. I was shocked by the question and honestly had no idea what to say. All I could say was he was just acting silly at the moment. I wanted to tell her more, but then again I dind't want him to be looked at any differently but wasn't sure how in the world to tell her part of what was going on with him.
So my question to people who have been at this longer than I. How do you explain it? Do you just brush it off or are you honest? How do you handle the question? Any advice would really be appreciated!
The little girl was around 5 years old and the question was innocent. I was shocked by the question and honestly had no idea what to say. All I could say was he was just acting silly at the moment. I wanted to tell her more, but then again I dind't want him to be looked at any differently but wasn't sure how in the world to tell her part of what was going on with him.
So my question to people who have been at this longer than I. How do you explain it? Do you just brush it off or are you honest? How do you handle the question? Any advice would really be appreciated!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wordless Wednesday- A backflip on the bar
Turn up the sound to hear the sound effects he makes during the flip!
Monday, August 15, 2011
A post less about Butters and more about Peanut
Alvin was diagnosed shortly after Peanut's (Elliot's) first birthday. This weekend while attending WA autism day I got to thinking about how Elliot will grow up.

I can certainly say she is not going to grow up feeling like her brother is odd or insensitive to others like him. If anything she will be more aware of people's differences. Probably better than most kids she will understand disabilities and how they affect people.
Saturday this just all kind of hit me. We were walking around the farm and visiting all the booths. Alvin wasn't feeling to hot due to having some nasty cold. Elliot however was her normal happy self. She looks past all the kids and if they were in wheel chairs, strollers or otherwise. She looks past screaming kids, meltdowns and other behaviors people see as odd. She just sees them and either stares them down in a way only she can! She is loveable and playful.
Also due to all of Alvin's issues I do keep her in gymnastics like Alvin. I keep her in though for a different reason. She needs to be around other kids her age that are normal. Who act like normal 1.5 to 2.5 year olds.
I can't say that I'm glad Alvin has autism but right now I think I wouldn't have any other way. While Alvin will struggle at times to do things she picks up with ease she will always him to teacher her about patience and how people think and act differently. Since we stay involved with the autsim community she will have plenty of exposure to so many types of disabilities that there will be so many chances for her to learn and ask questions.
I can certainly say she is not going to grow up feeling like her brother is odd or insensitive to others like him. If anything she will be more aware of people's differences. Probably better than most kids she will understand disabilities and how they affect people.
Saturday this just all kind of hit me. We were walking around the farm and visiting all the booths. Alvin wasn't feeling to hot due to having some nasty cold. Elliot however was her normal happy self. She looks past all the kids and if they were in wheel chairs, strollers or otherwise. She looks past screaming kids, meltdowns and other behaviors people see as odd. She just sees them and either stares them down in a way only she can! She is loveable and playful.
Also due to all of Alvin's issues I do keep her in gymnastics like Alvin. I keep her in though for a different reason. She needs to be around other kids her age that are normal. Who act like normal 1.5 to 2.5 year olds.
I can't say that I'm glad Alvin has autism but right now I think I wouldn't have any other way. While Alvin will struggle at times to do things she picks up with ease she will always him to teacher her about patience and how people think and act differently. Since we stay involved with the autsim community she will have plenty of exposure to so many types of disabilities that there will be so many chances for her to learn and ask questions.
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